Thermography used in property condition assessment



PROPERTY CONDITION ASSESSMENTS and INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Property Condition Assessments are a fundamental method of understanding the condition of any given property prior to purchase. Most prominent PCA providers understand that their advice is crucial. In fact, their advice may greatly impact the purchase of real estate throughout the united states. Most Property condition assessments utilize the expertise of multiple professional …

Infrared scans Los Angeles

Leak Detection Using an Infrared Camera

Marc MazzaBlog

Leak Detection Using an Infrared Camera Living in Los Angeles there’s one thing that you can count on and that’s a mild winter. Well, not including the last winter we experienced of 2019. We received more rainfall that I can ever remember living in California. So with the rain came leaks into our homes and buildings. As a water intrusion …

Thermography inspections in Santa Clarita

Is Infrared scanning during home inspection worth it


Is infrared scanning during a home inspection worth it One of the many questions I get asked as both an Infrared contractor and home inspector is, “Is infrared scanning during a home inspection worth it”.  In short… absolutely. As a level III infrared thermographer here in Los Angeles you see many things.  I’d honestly say that I would never ever …

Los Angeles Infrared Thermographer inspector

Marc Mazza Level III Infrared Thermographer


Marc Mazza, owner / head inspector of the Mazza Inspection Group is a Level III thermographer in Los Angeles . This status is achieved through a costly, lengthy training and study process followed up by procedural studies and field tests and assignments. Furthermore, the Level III status is achieved through deep dedication and a genuine desire to make the inspection …