7 Questions about thermography Inspections Before You buy a house in Los Angeles
A thermal camera detects heat. Really, that’s their primary objective, as cameras. Although not perfect, infrared thermography camera do have their faults. Take false positives for example. In many cases, issues that look like issues, are in fact nothing more than a false positive. It takes a true professional to rule out false positives. This is why you should only use infrared thermographers who are level III professionals when performing Thermography Inspections For Homes In Escrow in Los Angeles.
Can infrared cameras find water leaks?
Yes. People are shocked when I tell them that the majority of leaks we find with our Thermography Inspections For Homes In Escrow in Los Angeles have no stains. Crazy right? But yes, of all our infrared inspections where we test systems, that is, leaks which we procure, have no stains or other indications that there is an active leak. That means places like showers and bathtubs do commonly leak but can go undetected. the sis usually y because it leaks in small amounts. It helps that our cameras are very sensitive.
Is infrared scanning worth it?
In a word, heck yea. Let me ask you this… can you afford not to have an infrared scan. I mean, with the opportunity thermography inspections provides new home buyers, wouldn’t you want to know of hidden issues. under a trained professional thermographer, we can detect water intrusion, air infiltration, failure within the plumbing or electrical systems and much more.
Can thermography scans of older electrical systems save lives?
Thermography inspections of electrical systems can save life. Because thermal imagers are designed to detect heat, of all types; their uses in electrical systems are invaluable. Gone are the days where using a thermometer to determine the temperature of a circuit or receptacle. The use of an infrared camera can detect issues within electrical systems that can and do save lives.
Is infrared scanning a home during a home inspection a good idea?
Wow, not only is it a good idea… it’s necessary. As a building contractor, water intrusion expert and level III thermographer, I’d never had a house inspected without an infrared scan first. As a new home buyer, the few extra dollars it costs to get a certified level III thermographer to find water leaks is not only worth it… it should be required.
Can infrared thermography cameras find shower pan leaks?
As water intrusion experts, we perform water intrusion inspections of shower pans on a regular basis. Although shower pans are constructed to stand the test of time. They are not built to last forever. Hot mopped shower pans especially have a much shorter life expectancy that says the vinyl liner systems. Our tests of shower pans, especially the flood test ASTM 5957 can locate a leak no matter where it’s hiding.
Are Infrared camera scans useful to find roof leaks?
As a thermographer, I couldn’t find roof leaks without thermography. There are all kinds of roofs here in Los Angeles. With homes that are in escrow, testing roos for leaks should be mandatory. You’d agree if you saw the things we see with our infrared scans of roofing systems. Ceiling stains are not always an indication of where a leak may derive. In fact, a leak can happen many feet away from a stain. Performing Thermography Inspections For Homes In Escrow in Los Angeles, especially with roofing systems is any brainer. By-the-way… even brand new roofs can leak. Our tests are performed in accordance with ASTM D7053.
Can you find Decks leaks with thermography?
We find deck leaks all the time. It doesn’t have to be raining, we bring our own rain. My favorite test to perform is deck water intrusion tests. Not sure why, but decks tend to leak at the most inopportune time. Thermal scans of the underside of decks will help in locating whether a deck is actively leaking with driven rain, ponding or otherwise. The substrate which makes up the deck must be thoroughly tested in accordance with ASTM 5957. The use of a water hose to perform the water intrusion test of a Los Angeles Deck just won’t do.
Thermal Imaging infrared scans in Los Angeles
Let’s face it, buildings aren’t getting any newer and neither are their systems. As a matter of fact, Los Angeles by-and-large has the largest collection of aging structures which explains our busy schedule. For the most part, aging systems such as roofs, decks, ceiling, and other systems break down, degrade or otherwise fail. Many times its well before their expected life.Homebuyers face a difficult challenge. Buying an older house or a house with aging systems means leaks are to be almost expected. With the use of Thermography Inspections For Homes In Escrow in Los Angeles, there’s a good chance you can see those issues before they turn catastrophic.

Residential thermal imaging
Understand that thermography inspections, for homes in escrow in Los Angeles doesn’t mean we can see through walls. Not at all. that said, however, we can help to see issues that currently leak and with the addition of water, we can see other water intrusion-related issues as well. With the addition of water in a test such as an ASTM 5957, deck flood test, we can literally find water leaking through a ceiling or wall.Other thermography inspections such as sub-grade or ASTM 2128 wall inspections, also require the introduction of water to source leaks. All of these tests seem intrusion, which in some cases they very well may be. But in fact, many times here in Los Angeles especially, seller so homes are just as interested in sourcing water leaks as are the home buyers.