Moisture Intrusion Infrared Inspection Los Angeles

Moisture Intrusion Infrared Investigation
Moisture intrusion is one of the leading causes of construction damage in residential housing second only to wind. Infrared thermography allows Moisture Intrusion Investigation in Los Angeles possible. It's also the best nondestructive testing method available to locate moisture presence in building structures.
Not only is water entering the building difficult to track, but moisture intrusion also comes into the building from multiple different locations. The roof, deck, soil, windows you name it. We possess the ability to test just about any component within the buildings envelope using the many different standardized tests at our disposal.

Standardized water intrusion testing in Los Angeles
Not all water intrusion tests are created equal. As a matter of fact, Moisture Intrusion Investigation in Los Angeles is more of a science than an art. We understand that water enters a building from just about anywhere. And, water which enters the building can show itself in the most unusual areas. In some cases, nowhere near the entry point.
Water intrusion into a building is a tricky business. in order to locate water intrusion, one needs to become "one" with the water. Well, you may not have to go that far... but you do need to understand how water migrates through building materials.
Not only is the use of thermography one of the best tools we possess in verifying moisture intrusion, it's essential. Once this moisture is located, then our investigators are able to further find the level of moisture and then figure out the cause of the moisture.
Professional thermographers and Water Intrusion Experts

Professional Los Angeles Infrared Thermographers and inspectors
Professional Los Angeles Infrared Thermographers and inspectors[/custom_headline] We are professional moisture intrusion experts and inspectors. Moreover, we are certified level III infrared thermographers and operators. this is to say that we understand the science behind the use of thermography. Contrast this to the guys who buy these cameras in hopes to impress their clientele with pretty images.
We possess the know-how to perform tests over a whole range of components and systems within a building. Moisture Intrusion Investigation in Los Angeles is not the easiest of trades, let me tell you. For example, a single leak can take hours to days to procure.