

As a water intrusion specialist in Los Angeles, we use infrared thermography to properly diagnose water intrusion related issues.

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We perform infrared thermography Property Condition Assessments in just about every state, in the United States.

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Electric panel infrared thermography inspections are a necessity for many insurance companies here in the Los Angeles area.

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COVID-19 infrared thermography scans are very important especially here in the Los Angeles area where the population is so dense.

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Although it seems as if it doesn't rain much here in Los Angeles, the fact is, it rains just enough to disclose defects within a building. Water intrusion related issues can range from leaking windows, deck leaks, roof leaks and more. As infrared thermographers here in Los Angeles, we understand the importance of thermography and leak detection.

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Los Angeles Infrared Thermography


Based in Los Angeles, as thermographers we perform Thermography for Property Condition Assessments throughout the United States. Property Condition Assessments are a necessary part of the due diligence component when purchasing large multi-family complexes as well as commercial buildings.

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Many times in Los Angeles insurance companies require electric panel infrared thermography evaluations prior to renewing or providing insurance policies. We perform these electric panel infrared inspections for anyone who wishes to provide proof that their electric panels are without fault.

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Infrared scans are an excellent way to immediately scan individuals for the COVID-19 virus. Thermography and infrared scans provide immediate results. Immediatly, the operator can determine whether an individual has and elevated temperature.

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To contact us, call (661) 904-1895 or click below to book and appointment.


Infrared Inspections in Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Nevada

The use of an infrared camera to detect moisture is nothing new. In fact, the use of thermography to detect issues such as moisture intrusion leaks, electrical issues, and plumbing leaks has been in use for many years now.

Los Angeles is a large place. Not to mention, it's getting older. Therefore, with older systems comes new issues. Moreover, thermography or the use of an infrared camera to detect some of these issues mentioned such as water intrusion issues is also non-destructive.  Effectively, this means you can locate water intrusion issues without having to damage the building's interior finishes.

Locate water intrusion with an Infrared camera

As a water intrusion expert, I fully understand that the use of thermography is not the end-all. in fact, the use of thermography for leak detection and confirmation requires other tools as well. As much as many non-certified thermographers would like to think snapping a picture of a wall that appears wet is all you need, they are sadly mistaken.

Regardless of what the results are from any infrared water intrusion related scan, confirmation is needed.

How is this achieved? To begin with, one must understand the ASTM or AAMA standards of testing. Furthermore, specialized calibrated equipment is needed to locate, source and confirm the presence of moisture. It's not as simple as many think.

Water intrusion test equipment

What exactly does water intrusion test equipment look like? First and foremost, the test equipment used to detect water or moisture intrusion issues is not cheap. Nor is it easy to operate. Specialized training is needed to perform some of these tests used in conjunction with thermography to detect water intrusion-related issues. 

Currently, in Los Angeles, we are only one of two companies with such water intrusion testing equipment. Likewise, we're only one of two who possess the knowledge to administer some of these AAMA and ASTM test procedures.

Infrared Cameras and Thermographers in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Nevada

Not all infrared cameras or thermographers in Los Angeles, Nevada or Arizona are equal. In fact, most of the infrared cameras used by these operators are of a lower level quality than what should actually be used.  Furthermore, the operators or thermographers are mostly self-taught with no formal education.

On the other hand, we are level III thermographers. There are effectively three levels of certification to become a thermographer in Los Angeles. Level I, II, and III thermographers in Los Angeles.

As level III Thermographer, we understand the science behind the use of an infrared camera to detect moisture inside walls. Which again, is crucial here in Los Angeles due to the aging structures. To say nothing of ht exact that our equipment is state-of-the-art and of the highest caliber. Together, we are the clear choice for any of your infrared needs.